Eligibility:  Open to all certified employees in Bartlesville public schools.

  • Awarded monthly to enable attendance at seminars, conferences, workshops and other developmental opportunities to enhance instructional and administrative training and management skills development.
  • Application submission deadline: The 15th of the month at least two months prior to an event if it involves out of District travel.  If it does not involve out of District travel, applications may be submitted by the 15th of the month only one month prior to the event. Grants will be awarded monthly.


  • Sample Grant Agreement Form (all grant recipients are required to complete a Grant Agreement Form before receiving funds)

Budget: $15,000

Criteria: Professional growth can be accomplished using a variety of methods. For example:

  • Bringing in outside expertise to assist.
  • Hosting summer institutes, when teachers and administrators are free of classroom responsibilities.
  • Supporting our staff in their affiliation with quality national and regional professional organizations and workshops.
  • Training local staff, who in turn train others within the district (highly encouraged)
  • For annual conferences and seminars, the committee will not fund the same conferences every year.  These type of trainings will be evaluated every other year to allow the Foundation to fund a broader group of teachers.

Recommendation: To the extent possible, please limit the number of teachers attending a particular conference.  In an effort to make the best use of our funds, we will aim to send one person per grade or per school.  We ask that you share the knowledge you learn with your colleagues.


Professional Growth Committee Charter

Grant Application Form 

Grant Reporting Form (must be submitted within 2 weeks of returning from your professional development)