The Foundation partners with the Northern Oklahoma section of the American Chemical Society to offer science grants to educators in an effort to engage students in the study of science. These grants are awarded once a year to educators at any level.

2024-2025 deadline: October 3

Budget: approximately $5,000

Grant criteria:

  • Grants are available to any certified employee within the Bartlesville Public Schools, reaching grades PK-12.
  • Grants can be made to individuals or teams.  When a team approach is used, the team must have a leader who is responsible for the grant and is a member of the Bartlesville Public Schools.
  • The programs or projects applied for in the grant should enhance the science instruction in a classroom and make science more engaging to the students.  The proposal can address any area of science, although it is slightly preferable that the grant focus on the instruction of chemistry.
  • Grants should be used for innovative approaches, not yet used at the applicant’s site.
  • The Foundation WILL NOT fund building improvements, core curriculum or teacher/student compensation.
  • Grants will only be accepted through the BPSF online application process.
  • Sample Grant Agreement Form (all grant recipients are required to complete a Grant Agreement Form before receiving funds)

Factors considered in the evaluation process

  • Does the grant enhance, enrich, or expand the curriculum or academic experience of the students?
  • Does it give the students hands-on experience with science?
  • Is it chemistry-focused?
  • Does the grant clearly define the need for this project or program?
  • Does the grant clearly explain how this project or program will address that need?
  • What metrics can be used to determine whether the program or project will meet the stated need?
  • Is the evaluator excited to fund the program or project?
  • How many students will be affected, over how many years? What is the dollar-to-student ratio?

Grant Application

Grant Impact Form

Blank Activity Fund RQ Form

** The Northern Oklahoma Section of the American Chemical Society (NOK ACS) funds these NOK ACS Science Grants. The NOK ACS is a section of the American Chemical Society, the world’s largest scientific society.  The NOK ACS works to further science in Bartlesville, Ponca City, and other locations. The organization partnered with the Bartlesville Public Schools Foundation in an effort to support and empower our educators and engage our students in the study of science.