On occasion, Bartlesville families will designate the BPS Foundation to receive donations in memory of their loved ones who have passed.  The BPS Foundation is honored to accept these gifts and use them to benefit the teachers and students of Bartlesville Public Schools.

Please note which memorial fund you are contributing to in the “notes / designation” section of the donation form or if donating by check, note the memorial fund in the memo line.  The families will be notified of your contribution.

Donations are accepted online via paypal or credit/debit card.  You can also mail a check to the BPS Foundation at 1100 SW Jennings, Bartlesville, OK 74003.

To establish a fund for a loved one, please contact BPS Foundation Executive Director, Blair Ellis at ellisb@bps-ok.org or call our office at 918-336-8600, ext 3523.

Donate Now

Dora Randolph 1953-2022








Jim Bohnsack 1960 – 2021








Cindy Wasemiller 1945-2021









Ramiro Gonzalez  1942-2020









Marta Manning 1941-2019









Stan DeFehr  1951-2018









Elsie Anderson 1922-2018