BPS Foundation awards over $12,000 in additional teacher grants – several with a focus on social and emotional learning

Written by Mia Archambo, BPSF Intern (Class of 2022)

The Bartlesville Public Schools Foundation (BPSF) just completed its second cycle of Classroom Grants, and awarded several Professional Growth Grants across the District.  Combined, the grants total $12,251.64 and will enrich educational opportunities for Bartlesville students at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. These recent awards bring the total amount of funded teacher grants to almost $30,000.  BPSF will continue awarding Professional Growth Grants and Experts in Residence Grants throughout the year.    

Central Middle School teacher LeeAnn Pressler and Principal Keri Gardner received funding to attend a National Education Conference in New York City to learn techniques to help students navigate new technology and fill in learning gaps.  It will include information on social and emotional learning – a significant issue for students right now.  Ten secondary counselors (based at both middle schools and the high school) received a grant to attend a virtual conference, also on the topic of social and emotional learning and wellness.  With many new counselors in their roles across the District, it is imperative that they gain as much knowledge as possible on these key issues.  

For the Broadcasting Department at Bartlesville High School, Daniel Karnes was awarded a grant to introduce his students to new methods of filming that they have not experienced before. The grant will fund the purchase of a jib crane and motorized head.  This allows students to capture high shots from above and low shots from below – giving students experience with equipment essential to careers in broadcasting and film.  

At the elementary level, Ashley Welchel, Hoover’s music teacher, was awarded a grant that will improve students’ music education by adding a selection of instruments, including xylophones.  Lacie Autury, the GATE teacher at Hoover, was given a grant that will help grow the robotics and coding curriculum within her program. 

For more information on these grants, other initiatives of BPSF, and how to support BPSF programs, contact BPSF executive director, Blair Ellis at 918-336-8600 ext 3523 or visit the BPSF’s website at bpsfoundation.org